Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Take Two!
I will have more details and hopefully some pics for my next post but just wanted to let you know that I am no longer a Panamanian nomad. Time to start the awkardness of getting acquainted with another family and community. Hopefully this will be the last time that I have to do that and the next move will be to my own place in March!
You know your perspective on life has changed when you get excited about your new host family building a brand new latrine. Just one of the perks in my new site.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Homeless in Panama...
So what does this all mean you may ask? It means that my host mom/counterpart who fought for a year to get a Peace Corps volunteer in the community is left with many questions as to why I am leaving. It means that all the kids that I had built a relationship with in the community are left slightly disheartened and discouraged to see me leave which absolutely kills me. It means that I am stuck in a hotel until I can get to a new site (which is by no means a problem because I am definitely enjoying the running hot water and air condition). It means that I have to go through the awkwardness of moving in with another host family and starting the 3 months of living with a family all over again before I can move out on my own. It means that another community will get the expertise of a Peace Corps volunteer who wouldn´t have otherwise had one this soon if at all. It means a new start for me which I am incredibly excited and a little apprehensive about at the same time. I´ll update you as soon as I know anything. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers in the mean time.

Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Peace Corps Style :)

It was great to be with other Americans celebrating our yearly tradition. Much thanks to Fred (far right in the photo above) who basically cooked everything even down to homemade pumpkin pie! Happy Thanksgiving from Peace Corps Panama!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Flooding in Panama
Panamanian culture and I

Wait for it.... Wait for it....

And yes, a couple hours later I had the biggest headache with all that stuff on my head. I couldn´t wait to get it off. I don´t know how these girls walk and dance for hours in parades with all this stuff on!
(above) Here I am with my host sister and her daughter.
(above) I´m holding my friend´s niece. Baby pollera!
At every parade I went to I always told the people I was with that before these 2 years are up, I was going to dress up in a pollera. Didn´t know that it was going to be this soon! Next time I´m going for a more colorful one and less hair pieces ;)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Zzzz... Earthquake!!!!
So for those of you who know me well, you know that I can basically fall asleep anywhere and at that, fall into a pretty deep sleep. I won´t advertise the different places that I have managed to fall asleep but believe it or not, fans, it wasn´t the earthquake that woke me up. What woke me up was my host brother running into the room screaming to get up. I think he had been yelling at least a couple times before I sat up in bed still thinking I was in a dream where there was a train or a plane (couldn´t decide which) on top of the house making a deafening noise and making everything shake all over the place.
When I realized what was actually going on, it stopped and then I laid back down and fell soundly asleep. No big deal... I thought. Apparently the epicenter was really close to my town with a magnitude of 6.2. Pretty big deal to sleep through, huh? Thanks for waking me up Dennis! Thanks to him I can´t officially add earthquakes to my list of circumstances I can sleep through, good thing :) because having an earthquake on that list WOULD be a reason for embarassment unlike the rest of them. For more info on my Panamanian earthquake...
Thats all the updates for now my friends. Until next time, I promise I´ll make the next one a good one. Stay tuned...
Much love from Panama.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
1st of Many Successes

To not expand into too many details, lets just say that after a meeting I had yesterday, a group of adults walked away energized, motivated, and willing to tackle the internal problems that existed within the group but had never been acknowledged or discussed until I facilitated the interaction between the members. At the end of the day, my host mom who also happens to be a member of this group gave me a hug and told me that I had no idea what I did today and that for years, they have tried to do something like this but have never succeeded and it took me to open everyone´s eyes to push forward. She also said that after every meeting she would be so enraged and come home to cry out her frustrations but after the meeting yesterday, she left with such a feeling of peace.
I call yesterday the first of my many successes. As my internet time is running out, here are some pics that I thought you fans would enjoy. Much love from Panama.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Guess who is official?

Friday, October 17, 2008
Fishing for crabs!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Nutrition: Carbs and Fried Foods
Okay enough about me complaining about my lack of a well rounded diet here on to business...
So I have visited the place where I will be living for the next 2 years. I will be working with different community organizations but first of all I will be working with a youth cooperative. The way I describe a youth cooperative is like a student organization. By next April there should be about 70 youth cooperatives in Panama. They teach young Panamanians all about leadership, managing money, life skills, self esteem, project management...basically skills that they otherwise wouldn´t be learning in school. It also gives them an outlet to be creative and keep them from negative influences that could exist in their communities. The coop that I will work with has many different projects going on including mangrove reforestation project, a computer center (that needs a lot of work), and a small store (also a lot of work needed). I met with them this weekend and its pretty apparent that they all need motivation and a breath of fresh air in this coop. A lot of them are excited that I´m there to work with them and I really am too. I´ll keep you updated on other projects as they come up. I also plan on teaching Junior Achievement at the local school.
On another note, I got updates on the UT OU game this weekend... Hook 'em Horns!
Monday, September 29, 2008
One intestinal infection later...