Hi everyone! So the last couple of weeks have really taken a toll on me! The last 2 weeks involve eating lunch in Costa Rica, milking a cow and getting shit on, touring a coffee finca (farm) getting an intestinal infection and spending the night in the hospital, many many stomach problems, throwing up a couple times, drudging over an hour through knee deep mud to go fishing, traveling all over Panama meeting all kinds of wonderful people and teaching Junior Achievement to young kids, learning to dance Tipico which is the popular dance here and going to "relax" at the beach with friends (thats all I can remember for now but here are some pics to illustrate). Love you guys and again, I am so sorry that I have been in and out of reception so it´s not the easiest to communicate but pretty soon I will have somewhat of a routine.

(above) My host sister and I pose for a pic after I give her this blow up globe for her birthday. She absolutely loved it (Thanks Mom!)

(Above) My friend Andrea and I who got up early to enjoy the sunrise.

(above) After a long 2 weeks of traveling and surving on not the greatest food, we all decided to meet up at a beach. Beautiful, huh? This is Las Lajas in the province of Chiriqui.

(above) So this is my host family and I about 2 days ago. We were celebrating the oldest girls 12th birthday for which they waited 3 days after the birthday for me to be able to celebrate with them as well. I couldnt have asked for a better host family. Love them to death.

(above) Im on the left if you cant tell. This was on a hike in a coffee finca (farm) but at this point we stopped for a second in a bamboo forest.

(above) So Ive seen (up to this point) 5 chickens being killed and have helped take the guts out and separate the chicken parts. I dont look at chickens the same anymore. Dont know if Ive mentioned that chickens are everywhere and at one point, the house where I was staying had a dirt floor kitchen (eating/cooking area) where the chickens came in and out and at any given meal I had at least a couple of pollos staring up at me as I ate their friends...sad.

(above) Check out this cutie. Right by my right elbow is where we are cooking sancocho (chicken and ñame soup) while in the mean time I had a dancing partner to help pass the time. The bench on the left of the picture is a tree trunk split in half.

(above) Is this not the funniest thing youve ever seen? Ok prob not the funniest but it was worth the pic. This is in David.

(above) First time that I milked a cow. It actually pretty gross and wouldnt mind if I never had to do it again. This was also only a few minutes before it shit on me and I took off running!

(above) This is my attempt at being artistic with my picture taking. I was sitting on a bus on the way to a city on the Costa Rican border at a bus stop. Pretty rustic.