This past weekend we had our swearing-in ceremony where 11 of my girls became official Girl Scouts. We will have another ceremony in March or April as a lot of girls are away visiting other family outside of the community as we are in the middle of their summer vacation. At the end of this month I will take some of them to girl scout camp which is made possible by donations received through various sources - one of them being our sister troop in Houston, TX.
Our sister troop in the states donated money, friendship bracelets, and string to make bracelets. The goal of the partnership is to share cultures. My girls have learned a lot from me about my culture and I love the fact that they now ask me questions about girls their age in the states. Each troop has made a book for the other troop. Our book showcased the lifestyle here in Panama showing that living off of the land and very few monetary resources (most of these girls' fathers make $5 max a day when there is work), these girls still have fun and are happy. From the states we learned all about their aspirations for when they grow up. I wanted my girls to see girls their ages with big dreams. Below are some pictures so you can meet the girls!